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Hallucin ot io ns
Deepscape - 'That one!'
(2020, 3¾" x 7⅛", paper on cardboard)
Deepscape - Asteroid Necklace
(2020, 8" x 9⅜", paper on cardboard)
Eunisian Post-cards, No 2: Trying to Have It Both Ways
(2020, 9½" x 4⅞", paper on cardboard, two prefab backgrounds) Sister piece to 'Eunisian Post-card No. 1' (they are on back of each other).
Eunisian Post-cards, No. 1: Floral Theme Lightly Mutilated in Accident Freak (a.k.a. "No Olives?")
(2020, 9½" x 4⅞", paper on cardboard, two prefab backgrounds) Sister piece to 'Eunisian Post-card No. 2' (they are on back of each other).
Beach of Deception (later that same day)
(2012, 8⅜" x 4½", paper on thin cardboard, pre-fab background)
''Butter or Oil'' Asked the Giant Candy-Coated River Fluke
(2010, 11⅛" x 8⅝", paper on cardboard, pre-fab background)
Deepscape- Breaking Formation
(2012, 12" x 8⅝", paper on cardboard)
(2012, 3½" x 4½", paper on cardboard)
grows legs for love (a.k.a. Family Pool Time)
(2012, 9⅞" x 5⅞", paper on thin cardboard, pre-fab background)
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